Nice to meet you,
I'm Jemma
I'm a modern London Mama with a passionate for birth. I'm a mother, birth educator, doula and the founder of stilettos to strollers. I'm on a mission to work with mothers to prepare, support and comfort them as they step into a new journey. Wanna know what lights me up? Seeing parents realise they can take charge of their birth, they are the one's in control and they have all they need within them. If I can be the one that whispers "you really can & will do this" while others provoke doubt... I'll consider my job done.
Hey, I'm Jemma
If you read one page on this site this is probably the most important one as the reason I founded STS was because I struggled find someone who was 'like me' when I was searching for courses & support while pregnant with my first child. Because of this I am devoted to proving that birthing your way does not make you a 'hippy dippy' but actually an educated and knowledgable woman. I'm now a mother of three (I still can't believe that, three!) and each baby has made me more intent on helping you to have confident, calm birthing experiences.
I trained as a hypnobirthing teacher with the powerhouse that is Kemi Johnson while still working in PR. However once I realised my passion was in birth work I knew I had to live and breathe it so left marketing world to support mothers to be full time.

I couldn't sit back and watch women have traumatic births when they don't always have to be.
Knowledge is everything!

a bit more about
My story
In all honesty before I became pregnant I assumed having a baby meant going into hospital and begging for as much pain relief as possible - this was all I'd heard & seen. However when I was expecting my first chiId I didn't just follow the weekly progress of my unborn baby al la 'What to Expect When You're Expecting,' but I took it one step further. Before deciding on what type of birth I wanted I researched the process of labour itself and all of my options, the benefits, risks of each..... We are lucky enough to have so many options available to us, but this does present a minefield to navigate.
After the most amazing birth with my first daughter I knew I needed to shout about this more, it lit a fire in me to empower more women to get off the conveyor belt of care and make their own decisions. But to do that they needed support from someone they feel comfortable with, a friend, but a geeky one that can share all the knowledge and research with them.
After my second child I decided to quit my 9-5 and focused completely on the birth world. I knew parent's to be needed someone relatable to be their cheerleader (and bring great snacks) so I trained to be a doula with Developing Doulas!
That's when I decided to launch STS starting with hypnobirthing courses, which led to me training as a birth doula due to so many requests from couples "wanting me to just be there"